anonValues: date: '19700101' tagBlackList: # === Module 0010 ============================= # - x00100010 # PN Patient's Name - x00100020 # LO Patient ID - x00100021 # LO Issuer of Patient ID - x00100022 # CS Type of Patient ID - x00100024 # SQ Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence - x00100026 # SQ Source Patient Group Identification Sequence - x00100027 # SQ Group of Patients Identification Sequence - x00100030 # DA Patient's Birth Date - x00100032 # TM Patient's Birth Time - x00100033 # LO Patient's Birth Date in Alternative Calendar - x00100034 # LO Patient's Death Date in Alternative Calendar - x00100035 # CS Patient's Alternative Calendar - x00100040 # CS Patient's Sex - x00100050 # SQ Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence - x00100101 # SQ Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence - x00100102 # SQ Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence - x00100200 # CS Quality Control Subject - x00100201 # SQ Quality Control Subject Type Code Sequence - x00100212 # UC Strain Description - x00100213 # LO Strain Nomenclature - x00100214 # LO Strain Stock Number - x00100215 # SQ Strain Source Registry Code Sequence - x00100216 # SQ Strain Stock Sequence - x00100217 # LO Strain Source - x00100218 # UT Strain Additional Information - x00100219 # SQ Strain Code Sequence - x00101000 # LO Other Patient IDs - x00101001 # PN Other Patient Names - x00101002 # SQ Other Patient IDs Sequence - x00101005 # PN Patient's Birth Name - x00101010 # AS Patient's Age - x00101020 # DS Patient's Size - x00101021 # SQ Patient's Size Code Sequence - x00101030 # DS Patient's Weight - x00101040 # LO Patient's Address - x00101050 # LO Insurance Plan Identification Retired - x00101060 # PN Patient's Mother's Birth Name - x00101080 # LO Military Rank - x00101081 # LO Branch of Service - x00101090 # LO Medical Record Locator - x00101100 # SQ Referenced Patient Photo Sequence - x00102000 # LO Medical Alerts - x00102110 # LO Allergies - x00102150 # LO Country of Residence - x00102152 # LO Region of Residence - x00102154 # SH Patient's Telephone Numbers - x00102155 # LT Patient's Telecom Information - x00102160 # SH Ethnic Group - x00102180 # SH Occupation - x001021a0 # CS Smoking Status - x001021b0 # LT Additional Patient History - x001021c0 # US Pregnancy Status - x001021d0 # DA Last Menstrual Date - x001021f0 # LO Patient's Religious Preference - x00102201 # LO Patient Species Description - x00102202 # SQ Patient Species Code Sequence - x00102203 # CS Patient's Sex Neutered - x00102210 # CS Anatomical Orientation Type - x00102292 # LO Patient Breed Description - x00102293 # SQ Patient Breed Code Sequence - x00102294 # SQ Breed Registration Sequence - x00102295 # LO Breed Registration Number - x00102296 # SQ Breed Registry Code Sequence - x00102297 # PN Responsible Person - x00102298 # CS Responsible Person Role - x00102299 # LO Responsible Organization - x00104000 # LT Patient Comments - x00109431 # FL Examined Body Thickness # === Person Names ============================ # - x00080090 # PN Referring Physician's Name - x0008009c # PN Consulting Physician's Name - x00081048 # PN Physician(s) of Record - x00081050 # PN Performing Physician's Name - x00081060 # PN Name of Physician(s) Reading Study - x00081070 # PN Operators' Name - x00140104 # PN Secondary Reviewer Name - x00142006 # PN Evaluator Name - x00321032 # PN Requesting Physician - x00400006 # PN Scheduled Performing Physician's Name - x00401010 # PN Names of Intended Recipients of Results - x00402008 # PN Order Entered By - x0040a037 # PN Human Performer's Name - x0040a067 # PN Document Author (Trial) Retire - x0040a075 # PN Verifying Observer Name - x0040a123 # PN Person Name - x0040a307 # PN Current Observer (Trial) Retire - x0040a352 # PN Verbal Source (Trial) Retire - x00700084 # PN Content Creator's Name - x0072006a # PN Selector PN Value - x300600a6 # PN ROI Interpreter - x300e0008 # PN Reviewer Name - x40080102 # PN Interpretation Recorder Retired - x4008010a # PN Interpretation Transcriber Retire - x4008010c # PN Interpretation Author Retire - x40080114 # PN Physician Approving Interpretation Retire - x40080119 # PN Distribution Name Retire # === Acquisition / Accession Info ============ # - x00081080 # IS Admitting Diagnoses Description - x00200012 # IS Acquisition Number - x00321030 # LO Reason for Study - x00321033 # LO Requesting Service - x00380010 # LO Admission ID - x00380300 # LO Current Patient Location - x00080050 # SH Accession Number - x00080080 # LO Institution Name - x00081040 # LO Institutional Department Name - x00181000 # LO Device Serial Number - x00402016 # LO Place Order Number / Imaging Service Request - x00402017 # LO Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request # === Descriptions, Comments ================== # - x00700081 # LO Content Description - x00104000 # LT Patient Comments - x00204000 # LT Image Comments - x00209158 # LT Frame Comments - x00324000 # LT Study Comments - x00384000 # LT Visit Comments